Towards the end of the previous stage (finding myself) a certain Portuguese girl joined my road trip, and we’ve been driving together ever since.

She had the random and crazy idea to apply me for Idolos Portugal (Portuguese American Idol).
They called me and we drove across half of Europe, and made it to the auditions on the very last day.
Despite being exhausted from the long drive, it turned out to be one of my favourite performances ever. I got 4 yeses, and this audition was the beginning of what became a major turning point in my life.
I went on to the top 30 before being eliminated by the jury because of always sticking to the rock n roll genre (oops ;D)
This experience opened so many doors for me and just a few months after the first audition I was playing regular shows in pubs and festivals, recognized in the community I was living in, speaking broken Portuguese, and making a whole lot of new friends.
My partner and I decided to stay, and what was supposed to be a one month trip became a new life.